City Sign Technoloy

Two Factor Authentication is the future

Secure your assets on the most secure blockchain ever!
City Sign is the first Blockchain using a two factor authentication system.
Get in touch how it works!

About City Sign

Securest Blockchain Technology

City Sign is a secure, decentralized and user-friendly blockchain solution for crypto asset management inlcuding a 2-factor security system.

This website and lightpaper provide an overview of the City Sign ecosystem, architecture, and core components.


Our way

Road Map

June 2023

5 Social Club Partner in Spain

July 2023

5 Coffee Shop Partner in Netherlands

August 2023

Art galleries Projekt in Netherlands

September 2023

Partnership with Restaurants

Oktober 2023

Sport Events Partner

November 2023

Social Club Partner in Germany

December 2023

Converting Projects to City Sign Blockchain


How it Works


Identification in
Social Club

QR-Code Scanner recognizes
the property of NFT

Information to Social Club
if valid or not